Saturday, 28 May 2011

Senior Citizens and the Physically Challenged!

Wakened 4.00am. Cocks crowing 4.15am. Body clock doing its own thing again but hey….so what! Dawn was at 5.00am and picture taken 5.45am. A hearty breakfast on terrace in the already hot sun and then we headed into town to do basic stuff.

I was surprised at how many of the highly colourful corners and streets I remembered. Orange, pink, yellow, red, green, brilliant blue houses surrounded by  bourganville, hibiscus, birds of paradise,  unknown flowers and a plethora of greenery and so many different types of succulents. Life is indeed very visually stimulating on this island.
In the bank there is a special queue for “Senior Citizens and the Physically Challenged”. The sign is in extra large print just in case you didn’t bring your specs! Great idea. We sat very comfortably awaiting  our turn, in the wide seats set aside for us OAPs,  watching the  very long standing crocodile queue of under 60s wend its way round the bank forecourt! Maybe age does have some advantages?

Had the best cup of coffee since my return from Oz in…………..the Australian Coffee Shop in St John’s Harbour! Not just as good Blair as Manly Wharf  but so much better than anything in the UK! The Flamboyant Tree across the way was just so beautiful with incredible red blossom…truly living up to its name!
A lovely surprise awaited me in the designer shop “Noreen Phillips” at Redcliffe Quay. The most beautiful cobalt, blue dress has been put aside for me by Anne as a gift, before her return to the UK! Picking it up tomorrow as a few adjustments being made to ensure a perfect fit!  Photo to follow later……………

As Ben said, Mother doesn’t go to “The Gym” she goes to the “Antigua  Athletic Club”, the most beautiful grounds, gym and pool in a very lush complex! Lunch with my Tropical Punch (non-alcoholic), a few lazy lengths in the gloriously warm water, an hour’s lazy sunbathing  without even a book to disturb the mental inactivity, no and we returned home to a quiet evening by the tv.
 Sorry that is totally inaccurate……….. the plethora of noises outside is a veritable cacophony, even louder than that in the tropical rainforest on Fraser Island in Oz!!!!!  Difficult to ascertain the individual sounds…..something to google later?

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